Supporters of The 2016 BlackLight Dance:
We welcomed students at the dance from schools such as Grand Blanc HS, Brighton HS, CSPA, Davison HS, Fowlerville HS, Hartland HS, multiple Homeschools, Muir MS, Brighton Scranton MS, many local colleges, Howell HS, Lake Fenton HS, and Milford HS.
Approximately 340 were in attendance. Students enjoyed music from The DJ Guy. A hip hop dance performance was presented by the Modern Messages Dance Studio, with aerials safety workshops given by Chelsea Convis & Nate Hubble of Swing Time.
Thank you to everyone who came out to the Highland United Methodist Church (HUMC).
Thank You To:
Ms. Delainy Farley, Mrs. Pam Haskell, Mr. Josh Ray and the superb team of helpers from HUMC; The Grace, Nicholson, and Miller families for their time and effort that went into the coordination, publicity, decorations, set up and tear down; Elizabeth Bonner for setting up refreshments for this event.
Committed Prayer Support:
Cornerstone EPC Stateside Missions & Outreach Committee, Betty Varner, Kelly Garvin, Robin Sluis, Dance Project supporters, Char Olmstead, Lynda Champion, and many more.
Chaperons, Registration & Helpers:
Lori Ebaugh, Elizabeth Bonner, Scott & Jeni Huggins, Cindy Williams, Brenda Trombley, Sara Meriweather, Kenneth Banc, Rob Elmers, Shelby Pontius, Courtney, Mark Swanson, Melissa Auxier, Michael & Heather Hunt, Suzanne Grace, Andrea Nicholson, Chris Askew, Gloria Giehn, Jim & Karen Gibson, Judy & Mallory Wolfe, Jennifer & Bill Long, Jennifer Obney, Ed Nicholson, Trudy Eck, Ed Dassori, and James Lee.
Collin Coon (Tne Colab) & Jay Frost
The Grace family and Ed Nicholson
Mentoring Team participants:
Stephanie Washburn, Megan Garvin, Emily Garvin, Rebekah March and Sam Savalle.
Other Contributors:We are especially grateful to our Dance Project team of hard-working students, parents, and community members who worked so hard behind the scenes to help this event be successful:Susan Carmichael, Bethany Cuneo, Allison Shatter, Maria Foster, Michelle Traynor, and Andrea Nicholson.
Student Representatives:
Rebecca Przybylski (Charyl Stockwell Preparatory Academy) & Emily Garvin (Brighton High School)
Dance Project Board Members & Team Leaders:
President Jamie Nicholson; Vice President Ed Nicholson; Secretary -N/A-;
Treasurer Elizabeth Bonner; Publicity Chair Sean Hyaduck; Members Ed Dassori, and Adam Van Gieson. Team Leaders: Allison Shatter & Ed Dassori (Registration), Suzanne Grace (Decorations), Renee Miller (Refreshments).
Our ongoing appreciation to Pastor Richard Alberta & the Cornerstone Evangelical Presbyterian Church for their unwavering support of our efforts through generous donations and heartfelt prayers on our behalf.
Prayer Requests for School Districts and Parents Making Changes:
Please pray for God's lead for interested and involved parents, open hearts of school administrators to positive change, safer school
dances for our children, and for the light of Christ to change lives through dancing.
Special Thanks